Beckers Haut & Fell Vital
ist ein rein natürliches Ergänzungsfuttermittel und trägt zur intensiven Versorgung mit vielen wichtigen Nährstoffen des Organismus bei.
Zusammensetzung: Bierhefe (Getr.), Schwarzkümmelsamen, Seealgenmehl, Mariendistelfrüchte, Traubenkernmehr, Gingkoblätter, Brennesselblätter, Spirulina, Sanddornfrüchte.
Analytische Bestandteile:Rohprotein 26,80%, Rohfett 10,30%, Rohasche 17,30%, Rohfaser 4,70%, Natrium 0,51%
Fütterungsempfehlung: Hunde geben Sie einen 1/2 Teelöffel je 10 kg Körpergewicht über das Futter.
SCI-MX X-PLODE Pre-Workout is a great tasting, high-impact pre-workout powder that allows you to push through plateaus. X-PLODE Pre-workout is the perfect choice for anyone looking to take their training to new heights, with amino acids, citrulline, beta alanine and caffeine.
Tropical Flavour - 300g
Add one scoop (15g) to 200ml of cold water
Shake for 10 seconds
Settle for 10 seconds & enjoy
Mikroorganismo bizidun edariak dira, gozoak eta osasungarriak. Kultura probiotikoak hartzituz egiten dira, edari freskagarria, apur bat karbonatatua, kaloria eta azukre gutxikoa lortuz. Edari bakoitzak azukrearen %2 baino gutxiago dauka Jogurt baten ezaugarriak bifiduarekin eta freskagarri isotoniko batekin, azido laktikotik edo gehitu ohi diren azukre eta edulkoratzaileetatik eratorritako nutrizio-arazorik gabe. Hainbat zapore ditugu, hala nola, limoia -jengibrea, hibiskoa eta bezeroek eskatzen dituzten beste zapore batzuk prestatu ditzakegu, hala nola kokoa, mangoa,... Edari probiotiko hauek kanaberako azukrea eta datila almibarretan uretan jarriz egiten dira, kultura probiotikoek kontsumitzen dituztenak. Limoi kontzentralari esker da zaporea. Apur bat gasifikatua (ekoizpenean modu naturalean sortzen den gasa, hartziduraren ondorioz). Bizidun edariak, pasteurizatu gabeak, Lactococcus, Lactobacillus eta Bifidobacteria anduiak ditu. Edarietako batek
JUVÉDERM® ULTRA 2 LIDOCAINE is an injectable filler, which is used to treat superficial to moderate facial lines and skin depressions, usually those around the lips and eyes. JUVÉDERM® ULTRA 2 LIDOCAINE contains hyaluronic acid, which is a natural substance found inside the human body. Its key property is to keep the skin hydrated whilst adding plumpness. The product contains lidocaine to ensure a more comfortable injection.
Concentration:Cross-linked HA concentration 24mg/ml
Lidocaine HCl 0.3%
Indication:Filling medium wrinkles around the mouth and nasolabial folds
Treating medium wrinkles, fine lines
The Pack Includes:2 x 0,55ml Syringes
2 x 30G 1/2" Needles
Results' Duration:The duration of the effect can last up to 12 months. It depends on age, skin type
Manufacturer:Allergan Aesthetics
Optigrun Seed Mix EKR/EGR for the nature roof system structue (also pitched roof). Must be used in conjunction with sedum shoot seeding (then 50 g/m²).
EKR herb version: approx. 30 herb species
EGR grass version: approx. 9 grass species
For extensive green roofs (also pitched roof)
Имаме удоволствието да Ви представим меласирана каша от цвекло с отлично качество. Нашите продукти са внимателно подбрани и предлагани на атрактивни цени.
Минимална поръчка от 22 тона, плащане след доставка на стоката.
• 990 PLN/тон - с доставка в провинцията. Podlaskie/Mazowieckie.
Основни характеристики на нашата меласирана каша от цвекло:
• Диаметър: 10 мм,
• Big Bag опаковка (1 тон),
• Сухо вещество: минимум 86%,
• Захароза: 7-10%,
• Протеин: до 9,7%.
• Лично вземане в Małaszewicze (близо до Бяла Подляска).
• Доставка с пълни камиони до посочен адрес в Полша и Европейския съюз.
Моля, свържете се с нас.
Допълнителна информация:
• Офертата идва от полска фирма;
• Възможност за издаване на фактура по ДДС.
Обадете ни се и ни уведомете мястото за доставка и ние ще изчислим цената. Ние гарантираме кратки срокове за доставка и професионално обслужване.
минимална поръчка:23 тона
T-shirt Nike Air Max Ivo LTR Classic Le T-shirt Nike Air Max Ivo LTR Classic est un vêtement décontracté et confortable qui est idéal pour les fans de la gamme Air Max. Il est fabriqué à partir d’un coton doux et durable et présente un logo Nike sur l’épaule droite. Le t-shirt est disponible dans une variété de couleurs et de tailles pour répondre à tous les goûts.
La poudre de lactosérum acide (AWP) est un sous-produit de la production de fromage ou de caséine acide. Il est produit en séchant du lactosérum frais obtenu à partir de fromages blancs à pâte molle. La fermentation microbienne réduit l'utilisation du lait microbien et convertit le lactose en acide lactique.
La poudre de lactosérum acide est principalement utilisée dans la production de ricotta et de beurre de lactosérum. Il est également utilisé comme ingrédient dans de nombreux aliments transformés, tels que le pain, les craquelins, les viandes, les pâtisseries et les aliments préparés. La poudre de lactosérum acide se trouve également dans le chocolat et la confiserie.
Le produit proposé par Foodcom peut également être utilisé dans la production d'aliments pour animaux. C'est un substitut économique populaire pour la poudre de lactosérum doux dans l'alimentation des porcelets. La poudre de lactosérum acide est également utilisée dans les substituts de lait à faible pH.
Kichererbsen sind Kichererbsen oder Haarerbsen, es stammt aus einer Gruppe von Hülsenfrüchten. Kichererbsen sind eine hervorragende Proteinquelle und notwendige Aminosäuren, daher kann sie Fleisch ersetzen. Es ist eine Quelle komplexer Kohlenhydrate, Faser. Kichererbsen verleihen dem Körper verschiedene Vitamine und Mineralien, einschließlich signifikanter Mengen an Phosphor, Vitamin B9, Eisen, Zink, Magnesium und Kalium. Es enthält auch ungesättigte Fettsäuren. Der Cutter hat kalorienarm und einen niedrigen glykämischen Index, und die Faser, die er enthält, hilft, den Grad der Triglyceride und "schlechtes" Cholesterinspiegel zu verringern. Die Kichererbsen wird von Veganern und Allergie -Leiden besonders geschätzt. Kichererbsenmehlformen aus den Hülsenfrüchten und somit ist dieses Mehl durch einen einzigartigen Proteingehalt gekennzeichnet, während der Geschmack dem Geschmack von Umami ähnelt. Der glykämische Index dieses Mehls beträgt fast halb so viel wie Weizenmopfen und nur 35.
Alpha lipoic acid, also known as lipoic acid, is a naturally occurring compound that acts as a powerful antioxidant in the body. It is found in small amounts in certain foods and is also available as a dietary supplement. Alpha lipoic acid is unique in that it is both water-soluble and fat-soluble, which allows it to penetrate all parts of the body. It can easily cross cell membranes and enter cells, including those in the brain. This versatility makes it an effective antioxidant that neutralizes harmful free radicals in the aqueous and lipid fractions of cells.
Other Name:Alpha Lipoic Acid
Spec./ Purity:99% Purity
CAS Number:1077-28-7
Appearance:Slightly yellow powder or granular
Main function:Powerful antioxidant, supports cellular energy production, promotes healthy blood sugar levels
Test Method:HPLC
Assay(Dried basis):99.0%~101.5%
Loss on Drying:≤0.20%
Melting Point:60~62°C
Particle Size:90% pass 20 mesh
Heavy Metals:NMT10ppm
Total Plate Count:NMT3,000cfu/g
Total Yeast & Mold:NMT300cfu/g
Short de course 2 en 1 pour hommes élégant
Compressé et double pour des performances optimales
Confortable pour un usage quotidien
Parfait pour OOTD
Parfait pour le fitness (course à pied, escalade,)
Parfait pour le yoga et la salle de sport
Parfait pour se détendre
Introuvable dans les magasins
Taille haute
Séchage rapide
Mangime complementare a base di erbe officinali, e vitamine del gruppo B, formulato per mantenere efficiente l'apparato digerente delle api adulte.
ApiHerb preserva la corretta flora intestinale delle api, ne facilita l’invernamento ed è un energizzante post trattamento sanitario.
Primavera (febbraio / marzo) autunno (agosto / settembre)
Con temperatura >10° C per permettere voli nel periodo di trattamento
BUSTA 1000 g
Codice Prodotto:636
Barlinek PELLETS
• Approximately 5.3 kWh per kilogram of pellets (1 ton of pellets replaces 470 L of fuel oil; 572 m3 of natural gas; 429 L of LPG gas; 0.79 t of coal;
• Small amount of ash remains after burning the pellets (0.3 – 0.5%);
• Easy to store (1 ton of pellets packed in 15 kg bags requires 2 m3; loose pellets require 1.7 m3;
• Ecological (the ash generated after burning the pellets can be used as fertilizer for the lawn or garden);
• "Zero CO2 emissions" - the amount of CO2 produced during the burning of the pellets is equal to the amount of CO2 absorbed by the growing plants during the photosynthesis process;
• Does not contain harmful substances;
• Does not emit disturbing or unpleasant odors for people;
• Does not cause allergies;
• Ergonomically designed unitary packaging;
• Does not pollute rooms like other solid fuels such as coal.
Der Sauerteig ist eine der ältesten Teigarten der Welt bereits vor 4000 Jahren vergoren die Ägypter Getreidebrei zu Sauerteig für lockeres Fladenbrot.
Lecker’s Bio Vollkorn Sauerteig gibt allen Misch und Vollkornbroten eine hervorragende Struktur und einen vollen, frischen Geschmack. Und das hat seinen Grund
•100% RoggenVollkornmehl aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau
Zutaten:Bioland ROGGEN-Vollkornmehl*
*=aus kontrolliert ökoligischer Erzeugung
Allergene :Gluten
Tamamen selülozdan üretilmiş kağıtlar grubu (1.Hamur)
Selüloz ve odun hamurundan üretilmiş kağıt grubu (Gazete ve 3. Hamur)
Atık kağıtla birlikte selülozla karışımdan üretilmiş kağıtlar grubu (Kroma, oluklu mukavva karton)
Selülozdan üretilmiş, geri dönüşüm verimi düşük kağıtlar grubu (Kuşe kağıtlar)
Whey Protein Isolate (WPI) is obtained by the removal of sufficient non-protein
constituents from whey so that the finished dry product contains not less than 90%
protein on a dry matter basis. It is produced by membrane filtration processes and/or
iron exchange. The acidity of Whey Protein Isolate may be adjusted by the addition of
safe and suitable pH adjusting ingredients. Our WPI for human consumption complies
with all provisions and conformity with the European Union.
Molkenprotein Isolat regular 1000kg - 9,99€/kg
L'Amaranto proposto è certificato Biologic: un cereale atipico definito anche "falso cereale” poiché tecnicamente questi chicchi non sono veri e propri cereali ma i semi contenuti nel fiore della pianta di amaranto. Composto da chicchi piccoli e rotondi il suo colore è beige chiaro-crema. Oggi è molto apprezzato specie dai celiaci per il suo essere naturalmente privo di glutine ma anche da coloro che si attengono a regimi alimentari vegetariani e vegani perché costituisce una risorsa importante per la ricchezza di proteine di origine vegetale. E’ costituito prevalentemente da fibre poi contiene sali minerali calcio ferro fosforo e magnesio vitamina C, vitamina A e vitamine del gruppo B e un contenuto proteico elevato. Nel centro America questo alimento ha un’antica tradizione ed è utilizzato soprattutto nella preparazione di dolci di snack oppure per ottenere come con il mais i popcorn di amaranto o ancora essere soffiati.
Juvederm Ultra 4 includes biocompatible HA which is an injectablefiller which provides patients with instant results which are indeed natural.
What is in the box?
(2 x 1ml syringes)
Juvederm Ultra 4 can allow cheeks and cheekbones to look younger and healthier. Increasing fat content in the face following loss of weight which have made cheeks become hollow.
The correction of folds and wrinkles in the face.
Duration of product after procedure?
The effects can be seen for up to twelve months.
Patients who are not recommended to use
It is important to understand that our always need to let your physician or doctor know about any allergies, immune diseases and infections you have if you are considering Juvéderm® ULTRA 4®, .
Country of origin:USA